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iHerQles to the Rescue!


Newsflash:  Zombie Cells Are Real

In a world plagued by a mysterious and terrifying affliction, a new threat has emerged within the human body:  the invasion of Zombie Cells. These malevolent entities lurk within us, masquerading as normal cells until they spring to life, refusing to die, wreaking havoc and causing chaos within our very bodies. The battle against these insidious invaders rages on, but hope shines in the form of a revolutionary solution that has over a 50 year history with Zombie Cells.

You Are Being Introduced to iHerQles!

Which Many Refer To As The Breakthrough Of The Century

iHerQles IS THE ONLY PROVEN AND DOCUMENTED solution to getting rid of Zombie Cells and REVERSE AGING the human body by 20 to 30 years.  iHerQles comes with BLOODWORK PROOF, from the government approved laboratory that was started by the lady that won the Nobel Prize for the subject.  The liquid spray consists of AI selected molecules from plants grown in the Mediteranian Mountain Range that the Science Team has studied since 1973.   QUESTION:  Is there anything else out here, vitamin or mineral, that will get rid of Zombie Cells and reverse the inside age by 20 to 25 years?  NO.  And... we have the proof in bloodwork to show that.  

Click on My Picture for an Overview of ALL this Information!

Zombie cells, or senescent cells, are a component of the aging process and various diseases.

Zombie cells, or senescent cells, have recently came to the forefront as a very significant component of the aging process and the development of various diseases.  As shown on this site, recently the Medical Community has identified and labeled Zombie Cells as the cause of illness and disease.  

These cells have ceased to divide but remain metabolically active, secreting a range of toxins that can have detrimental effects on the body. When a person is young, the immune system responds and eliminates Zombie cells. 
As we age our bodies are forced to deal with increasing toxicity from our food, water, air, and electronic devices-- which all drastically weaken our immune system ...  So zombie cells increase everywhere in the body wreaking havoc and causing aging.  With age we experience wrinkles, body aches and pain and all too often disease as our aging body has less and less ability to heal and regenerate.  

Shown on the Today Show

NBC’s Jacob Soboroff reports for TODAY. 

 Zombie cells, which are cells that have experienced a lot of damage over time and wreak havoc on surrounding cells and tissue, could give clues for living longer lives and slowing the aging process. 

What causes zombie cells to accumulate?

According to current research, scientists believe the main cause of  accumulated senescent cells is DNA damage. This is mostly due to  oxidative stress from stressors like:

• Radiation

• Chemicals

• Deteriorating mitochondria

• Antioxidant deficiency

• Pollution

• Chronic inflammation

• Shortened telomeres

• UV exposure from the sun

• High blood sugar

• Expression of cancer genes

iHeRQles - Proven as a Defense of Zombie Cells

FUN (Functional Unique Nutrition) iHeRQles was built to support red  blood cells and open microcirculation in the body. By doing this, we can  boost the immune system to target "Zombie Cells" naturally, the way we  were created. 

And it is 100% plants -- real quantum nutrition from the top high frequency molecules from 44 of the most powerful plants on the planet, organically grown in the Mediterranean Mountain Range.

iHerQles is taken directly into your bloodstream (our lifeforce!) by spraying these molecules under our tongue 3 times a day! 

THE Answer:  iHerQles to the Rescue!

Look at the gentleman below after only six weeks of spraying iHeRQles FUN (functional unique nutrition) 4 sprays 3 times a day. Look at the changes i

After 4 months of iHeRQles FUN Functional Unique Nutrition

Documented Scientific test results

Biological age reversal of “ your organ, tissue, muscle age and ultimately, your body function”

Here are 11 random samples from 1500 case studies of people who used iHeRQles 3 times a day for 4 months!  

iHeRQles is the answer … and I am here to help you make that happen!

Live Tonight!

Mondays, Becky House – 8 PM EST, 7 PM CST
Tuesdays, Susan Stadeli – 8 PM EST, 7 PM CST
Wednesdays, Kare Possick – 8 PM EST, 7 PM CST
Thursdays, Maureen Soloman – 7 PM EST, 6 PM CST


Saturdays, Chere Cormier – 8 PM EST, 7 PM CST
Sundays, Deborah Pemberton  Raymond Harrison 8 PM ES

Documented Scientific test results

After 6 months of iHeRQles functional unique nutrition

Chronic inflammation

Persistent low-grade inflammation throughout the body. 

Reduced organ function

Decline in the performance of vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and heart. 

Joint pain and stiffness

 Increased occurrence of arthritic symptoms. 

Muscle weakness

Decreased muscle strength and function. 


 Persistent tiredness and lack of energy. 

Impaired wound healing

 Slower recovery from injuries and wounds. 

Cognitive decline

 Memory loss, confusion, and other signs of dementia. 

Decreased immune function

  Higher susceptibility to infections and illnesses. 

Hormonal imbalances

Changes in hormone levels that can affect mood, metabolism, and overall health. 

Insulin resistance

Impaired ability of the body to use insulin effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels. 

Weight gain

Difficulty in maintaining a healthy weight, often accompanied by increased abdominal fat. 

Increased risk of chronic diseases

 Higher likelihood of developing conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. 

The Impact of Zombie Cells on the Human Body

  It's important to note that the presence of these symptoms does not necessarily confirm an abundance of zombie cells in the body, as they can also be indicative of other health conditions. Always consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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